I'm not sure if a lot noticed, but I announced about taking a break from social medias (well, mainly Instagram and Twitter) last month. I didn't exactly deactivate my accounts, but I deleted the apps from my phone. For a month, I decided to spend time only for myself.
It was excruciating at first, my hands were itching to start scrolling through my Twitter timeline and Instagram feeds. But I did anything else other than that. I read books, I watched TV shows and drama that I have yet to watch, I brainstormed new ideas for my own book, I reunited with my friends, etc. It took a lot of effort because social media has became a habit, but it was not impossible to break. For a month, I managed to break myself away from the online community that was slowly corrupting me.
I've learned a lot during this short break, and I believe that everyone should realise these too:
- Life is not about getting people's validation. Life is about filling yourself with as much love as possible, doing what you love, and surrounding yourself with people that you love.
- You can breathe well without worrying what strangers think of you. Admit it, most of your social media followers are strangers to you in real life.
- There are more to life than the number of likes, retweets or followers.
- If people don't reply or react to your posts/tweets, it does NOT mean you're hated. It does NOT mean you're not loved. You are good enough as you are.
- Not getting any likes is okay. Not getting any retweets is okay. Not getting any comments is okay. Not getting thousands of followers is okay. You are okay.
- Life is great, life is beautiful. There is no point in allowing other people to control the happiness. You don't need to depend your complete happiness on numbers.
Honestly, I learned a lot more, but these are what matters the most. I realised that I am good enough. I definitely do not need to bother what people think of me, because in the end, I am living my own life.
Social media has also become a toxic community these days, it's hard to continuously be positive when all people do is throw hate against each other. I've decided to return, but I will leave whenever I need to. All that matters is that I place priority on my own happiness.
Anyway, to those interested in my fiction writings, I recently created a new Twitter account where I dump all my crazy ideas and storylines. I've already written a few stories there, mostly brief ideas, so if you're interested in following my updates, head on to Twitter and follow: @mermairdpens
✨ letters from the dead ✨— m e r m a i r d (@mermairdpens) July 18, 2018
plot: a young girl who had parents and a sister that committed suicide. she now lives with a foster family, and she was slowly recovering from the trauma. until one day, a letter was addressed to her. a letter written by her dead mother.
a story based in penang— m e r m a i r d (@mermairdpens) July 19, 2018
; could be horror or thriller
; inspired by my trip to penang, the apartments scattered at the seaside intrigued me
plot: a woman returned to where she used to live. she started to see and hear unknown things moving inside the house.
Till next time ♡ Love, Aishah Humaira'
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