I never planned to post any of my old tutorials here, because they were all pretty lame. And I don't even think they're even helping at all. But since someone asked me to re-upload them back, I guess I'll just do that.
Pictures not includedbecause it just mess up the tutorials, but you can still view the pictures by clicking the link (the heart) on the end of each instruction. All you need to have is a song (or more) in your computer files. Download it from somewhere, just Google them.
No matter what type of player you wanted to use, first you have to do this;
For Billy Player (like the one on my blog)
For Strange Cube Player (like the one on my affiliates page)
- Open kiwi6.com and click on Upload, at the left side of the page. {♥}
- You have to make an account, or just login with your facebook or twitter account. {♥}
- Click on Browse, and choose the song that you want. You can upload up to 5 songs at a time. {♥}
- Click on Start Upload and wait for it to load. It might take a while. {♥}
- After done uploading your song, click on the link beside it, and you'll be redirect to another page. {♥}
- Copy the link of the Direct Hotlink. {♥}
Now, choose which type of player that you wanted by following one of these instructions;
- Go to sheepproductions.com/billy and paste the direct hotlink that you've copied from kiwi6 on the field space. {♥}
- In the field space beside the link of your song, put the title of the song. You can put anything that you wanted, either the real title of the song or even kawaii emojis, it's up to your choice. You can also leave it as blank. {♥}
- Choose whether to Auto Play or not, and click Generate Code. {♥}
- Copy the code, and paste it wherever that you want on your blog! {♥}
- Go to www.strangecube.com/audioplay and scroll down until you see the AudioPlay Online. {♥}
- Paste the direct link of your song in the first field space. {♥}
- Fill in the other field space as you like. If you don't know what to put, just follow what I do here. {♥}
- Click on Generate Code, copy the generated code at the right side, and paste it wherever that you want on your blog! {♥}
Till next time ♡ Love, Humaira
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